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bro you really making  great VR mod of game. what do you think you will be doing in the futur ?


Hello, the trigger button failed. Pleave have the update version. Thanks

Seems to be broken with the newest version of the game, it keeps spamming this error and the game isn't visible on my headset (Quest 2)

[Error  : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Stack trace:

Valve.VR.SteamVR_Actions.get__default () (at <8a0bb29dfe384042bcc022007c5f7031>:0)

BaboonVr.Patches.ReplaceMouseClickWithVrButton (System.Boolean& __result, System.Int32 button) (at <2429131f4cdf4655a93dfc0b5a0e8259>:0)

DMD<>?-559444992.NativeDetour_Wrapper<UnityEngine.Input::GetMouseButton>?0 (System.Int32 button) (at <eea1c2f976964d92b8c75a2f1e9cd68c>:0)

UnityEngine.SendMouseEvents.SendEvents (System.Int32 i, UnityEngine.SendMouseEvents+HitInfo hit) (at <c7848723fd1e448e8fb6c4646c37327a>:0)

UnityEngine.SendMouseEvents.DoSendMouseEvents (System.Int32 skipRTCameras) (at <c7848723fd1e448e8fb6c4646c37327a>:0)

when i open it in vr it doesnt seem to be registering my index controllers? and it also gives me how to use mouse instructions..

(1 edit)

Hey, Im getting the BepinEx window, but the game is not responding. 

I am using a legit copy of the game and Vive headset with Knuckles

Edit: Had steam running in Admin cuz another game couldn't launch without doing so. It think some of the steam DLLs couldn't be detected cuz I was running steam in admin, fixed after boot steam with normal privileges

Im broke and i really want this mod

Deleted 105 days ago
(1 edit)

Does this mod work anymore? I just get a rotating trombone and it never loads into the game. Checked on the mod discord and the last comment there is saying the same thing.

Deleted 1 year ago

This has now been fixed. Try the newest version.

Is there a way to switch between playing in VR and playing flat? After I installed the mod, I can only launch Trombone Champ in VR mode. Do I have to uninstall?

Yeah you can just use Rai manager to toggle it on and off by installing / uninstalling as many times as you want

Got this one working easily enough. Such an easy to use mod. Thanks @raicuparta!


I can't seem to get past the save select screen. I've pushed every button on my controller but nothing seems to work (I'm using a Vive Cosmos).  Any assistance would be appreciated.


Thanks for letting me know. There’s a good chance a recent Trombone Champ update broke this mod, so I’m gonna have a look and see if it works asap.

Yeah I just grabbed the mod and it appears to be broken right now

I just tried it and everything seems to work fine? Can you send me your logs? There’s a logs button in Rai Manager, it’s the notepad icon on the top right.

I just tried it and everything seems to work fine? Can you send me your logs? There’s a logs button in Rai Manager, it’s the notepad icon on the top right.

It's not working for me either. I'm using a Quest 2.


Make sure you’re running a legitimate version of the game through Steam, and that you have configured your OpenXR loader. For Quest 2 via Link that means you need to configure Oculus as your OpenXR loader, and for Virtual Dekstop you set SteamVR as your OpenXR loader.

(1 edit)

I  do have a legitimate version from Steam. And I have configured Oculus as the default OpenXR loader. I am using Air Link.

The game launches and I can see/hear in the Oculus headset, and the mouse cursor moves around with my controllers, but I cannot click anything.

 I'm having the same issue, able to see the start screen saying "start new game", and can hear music, but clicking buttons does not do anything. Any fix? 

Also using a Quest 2. Trying to play through Air Link, running a legit version through Steam, with Oculus set as the OpenXR loader.

I'm struggling to work out which files to copy across to get baboon VR working with custom sheets "TrombLoader" plugin in BepInEx. I had custom sheets working and then installed BaboonVR and they stopped working. I then reinstalled BepInEx and Baboon VR stopped working. Any hints? Thanks

Did you already follow the “compatibility with other mods / custom songs” section of the readme?

I noticed that the game's interface seems much more zoomed out/high resolution when playing with this VR mod compared to playing un-modded.

Is there an option to change that at all? It makes it kind of hard to read the results screen at the end of a song.


VR Mod:

Not right now. This is an artifact of how I’m projecting the UI, it causes some screens to be bigger, some to be smaller, some to just be all broken. Hopefully I’ll fix this in a future update.